week 3 recap of #30daywalkoff #LeslieSansone challenge and #livingandactive challenge by #peak313

Monday, October 20, 2014

Just ended week 3 of my October fitness challenges.

First, I'm following my 30 day Leslie Sansone Walking challenge (found here: http://crafts-n-fitness.blogspot.com/2014/10/30daywalkoff-free-october-walking.html )

and the Peak313 5-week exercise/spiritual challenge (found here: http://peak313.com/featured/3rd-annual-living-and-active-week-1-tied-together/ )

10/12 - 10/18 workouts for the week:

(30) mins Leslie Sansone Firm with handweights,
(20) mins/1 miles Leslie Sansone

(57) mins/4 miles Leslie Sansone


(75) mins/5 miles Leslie Sansone

(30) mins speed walking at the park track

(29) mins Leslie Sansone Firm with hand weights, 
(25) mins Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred level 2

(30) mins of walking outside, plus errands and moving several boxes and grill. 

My week started off well. I logged all my food up until Thursday when I went to a work lunch. At my lunch I had bread and a dessert and then felt awful the rest of the day and most of Friday. :-(  Because I'm mostly sugar/dairy/gluten free, my body doesn't like it very much when I go back to eating those things.

I didn't weigh myself this week so I'm not sure how on target I am with my Jillian Michaels dietbet challenge I'm doing. I've been trying to stay around 1400 calories.

On Saturday I "disconnected" from social media and spent the day with my youngest running errands, took him to a free lego activity, did lots of chores, fall decorating, some reading, and moving boxes up and down the stairs-including this "new to us" grill we got! It was a good day!!

How did your week or weekend go?