#OrigamiOwl Jewelry collection and Gift Card DRAWING! Now is the time to order!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

This month I signed up to become a designer with Origami Owl Jewelry.

The thing that I love about this jewelry is that I personally have been usng it for over a year and none of my pieces have broken or tarnished. I have really sensitive skin so that was a concern for me, but I haven't had any problems with the metal they use.

I love all my pieces and love that I can personalize my lockets to fit the season, what I'm wearing, my hobbies, or sports team.

Because I am a new designer, I will be having a holiday launch party online and in my home these next two weeks.

For those of you who prefer shopping online or who aren't local, here's my direct shopping link.

I'm also doing a drawing for those that place an order 
using my online shopping link before 
November 15th! 

You can win a $25 GIFT CARD towards anything in stock from my 
Origami Owl shopping link: 
(USA only)

Once you place an order using my shopping link, come back here and post a comment below letting me know you placed an order and I will enter your name into my drawing!!


Let me know if you have any questions or problems with ordering!

I LOVE all the new holiday items they released this month! Check out the video and pictures below:

Click on this Post by Origami Owl Living Lockets to view the Holiday Collection video! 

Here are what some of the pieces look like in person:
(I'm not using a professional camera-sorry!)  

Here's my direct shopping link.

Don't forget to order before November 15th
using my direct shopping link above
to be entered in the $25 gift card drawing!! 

Here is a very small sampling of the charms you can order to personalize your necklace or bracelet based on your hobbies or likes: