Buried Beneath the Words by Betel Arnold | Kindle Giveaway and book review

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The book starts out by quoting Proverbs 4:23 (tev) which reads "Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts".

Isn't that so true? I need to constantly remind myself that my negative self talk affects my moods and how I deal with those around me. I'm not negative to others, so I'm not sure why I feel like its okay to to be negative to myself.

What I loved about this book is that the author shared personal experiences, she asked questions and then left room in the book for journaling thoughts/answers, shared scripture references, and shared her personal testimony at the end.

Quick reading and a good reference to share with others who are struggling with negative self talk or negativity in their life. "God is always present and ready to help when you are in trouble."

About the book: 

Words! Words! Words!
Words all over the place. Accusing, blaming, and degrading words are the worst of all. After hearing those words over and over again, we begin to feel the weight of them threatening to crush the very life out of us.
Buried Beneath the Words cleverly shares a true life story about the different ways someone can end up buried beneath the weight of negative words. Then it shares a Christian course for how God's word can revive us. By putting the advice given within these pages into practice, you will experience an awakening of the real you---the you that has been buried way too long.

Purchase a copy: http://ow.ly/BCxmQ 

About the author: Betel Arnold is a Certified Christian Life Coach, her passion is to reach out to women with compassion, empathy and encouragement. She is the creator, co-producer, and co-host of Simply Talking, a local public television show addressing issues drawn from our daily lives to deeper questions that come from our personal tragedies. Betel has learned to integrate her roles as wife, mother, inspirational speaker and family advocate. It is Betel's personal life experiences of overcoming adversity where she was able to find the inspiration and inner strength to do the impossible. She inspires others to overcome the challenges that keep us from moving forward in our lives and achieving our goals. Betel Arnold has embraced her life's conviction to help women become all that God has called them to be.

Find Betel online: websiteFacebookTwitter

Welcome to the blog tour and giveaway for Betel Arnold's debut book, Buried Beneath the Words.
Buried Beneath the Words Betel Arnold
One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • Buried Beneath the Words by Betel Arnold
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on October 12th. Winner will be announced October 13th at Betel's blog.

Don't miss a moment of the fun; enter today and be sure to visit Betel's blog on the 13th to see if you won!

I'm a blog book reviewer for LitFuse Publicity so I was given this book complimentary in exchange for an honest review on my blog and social media-all opinions are my own.